Optimize Your CCaaS Solutions to Enable Your Remote Workforce

Over the past few decades, markets have become customer-centric. As such, customer service plays a crucial role in the success of a company.

While employees who interact directly with customers are at the forefront of delivering excellent customer service, they cannot do so without the proper communications technology in place.

It is crucial to keep improving your communications solutions to deliver greater experiences to your consumers. This is why many organizations, especially after COVID-19 disruptions, have switched from call centers to Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS). With its value increasingly becoming more apparent, demand is projected to rise in the coming years. As a result, the sector is projected to be worth $72.3 billion by 2027.

After switching to a work-from-home model, many organizations are still struggling to find the ideal technological systems that will best support their workforce. This means that productivity is not at its peak, and your customer experience is not ideal. If such a situation persists for long, it can have long-term consequences for your company. 

This is why it is crucial to optimize your CCaaS solutions to enable your remote workforce. Read on to learn the main reasons to update your CCaaS solutions.

Rushed CCaaS Solutions

In recent years, companies have been shifting to digital communications solutions to reduce costs and increase flexibility. Whereas CCaaS adoption has been high, it has now grown astronomically over the past year. 

Within a short period, the COVID-19 outbreak disrupted business operations in many sectors. With in-person visits curtailed, organizations were forced to rethink and redesign their customer care environment and choose the ideal communication solution. In this regard, setting up remote teams and CCaaS emerged as a solution.

While doing so, there was one primary challenge — businesses had to pivot their strategies in a matter of weeks without the funding to do so. This forced many companies to settle for the bare minimum with communications systems and CCaaS. 

Though COVID-19 is still a threat, the economy has been stabilizing for the past half-year. The CCaaS solutions adopted in haste may have been ideal at the time, but they're now unable to meet both internal and external communication demands. 

As a result, communication is disorganized and experiences frequent disruptions, leading to depleted customer satisfaction and churn. Considering that reducing the customer defection rate by 5% can increase your profits by up to 125%, you cannot afford to allow this to continue. Therefore, it is essential that you optimize your communication and CCaaS solutions to meet the demands of an evolving work environment.

3 Reasons to Update Your CCaaS Solutions

With lessons learned from the pandemic, CCaaS is not a stop-gap measure but will be the primary method of offering customer service from now on. As such, it is more of a necessity than a luxury. Here are some of the reasons you need to update CCaaS solutions ASAP. 

1. Updated Integrations Options

Technological advancements in recent decades have provided a wide range of solutions for organizations. Instead of doing non-core or repetitive functions, staff is more focused on the business' primary functions as there are tools and systems to assist. 

To achieve maximum efficiency, these solutions need to work in tandem. While adopting CCaaS, most businesses were in a rush and did not have the necessary budget. It is, therefore, likely that your solution does not have integration capabilities with other solutions critical to your company, including SalesForce, Oracle, and more.

By upgrading, you will access a solution that offers integration capabilities, allowing it to work in tandem with CRM and sales software.

2. Enhanced Technology

Technology is always evolving and improving. With the surge in CCaaS adoption, there have been many technological advancements to support it. 

The perfect example of this is Talkdesk's HD voice capabilities. Whereas it can sometimes be challenging to understand communications with call centers, their solution improves voice clarity and reduces latency. 

Accessing similar new technologies will improve communication with customers, translating to increased customer satisfaction.

3.  Omnichannel Engagement

The goal of setting up call centers is to interact with customers. Such interactions allow you to answer their queries and collect other crucial insights such as preferences, which enables you to serve them better. 

There are many different methods of communicating with customers. These include email, live chat, voice, SMS, and social media. Each customer has a particular method they prefer. To offer a holistic customer service solution, you must offer multiple channels to engage them.

Providers such as RingCentral and Avaya prioritize an omnichannel solution. With such a modern solution, you'll be able to interact with customers using the method they prefer.

Flexibility Is Key

When it comes to technology, especially CCaaS, flexibility is an asset you cannot afford not to have. At present, the primary objective is supporting work from home teams. However, your solution must be capable of meeting the needs of a strictly in-person environment and a hybrid environment when the return to normalcy does happen.

Why Optimizing CCaaS Is Essential

As operations continue to reach near-normal levels, the demand placed on CCaaS solutions is increasing. Though your solution was ideal during the height of the pandemic, it can now turn into a liability. When internal communication is disrupted, service delivery will be affected. If communication with customers is affected, engagement and satisfaction levels will reduce. 

Optimizing CCaaS is not just a one-time event but something that requires continuous improvements. Knowing the best technologies and solutions to implement may be challenging. At Adler Advisors, we offer CCaaS consultation services to help companies adopt suitable solutions. Reach out to us today to enhance your customer service through optimized CCaaS solutions.